

Hashtag CMS is a Headless CMS as well as whole cms solution. Use it as Headless CMS or Bundled, API enabled, Admin Panel, Multisite, Multitenant, Multilingual, and oAuth 2.0. The most powerful, fast, user-friendly and secured platform. Made with PHP Laravel Framework.

Laravel does not need any introduction. In case you don't know. Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.

What you can do with Hashtag CMS?

  • You can create a site in just matter of minutes.
  • You can use it only for admin panel, and make your frontend tech in different tech stack, or you can use it as a complete solution.
  • For creating in different tech stack we have already provided api for that.
  • You can create multiple sites using one cms. You just need to configure site through CMS and of course in apache host.
  • Multi lingual support.
  • Multi tenant support. You can create amp site as well.
  • It has countries/zones/cities/currencies support as well. In case if you need it sometimes.
  • You can create site properties from admin panel.
  • You can manage user's roles and rights.

Laravel Installation

Well, It will be great if you follow the step here.

When you are done with Laravel Installation, please follow below steps.

Hashtag CMS Installation

I assume you have following things are already installed on your system.

  • Composer
  • Laravel
  • And these extensions,
    PHP >= 7.2.5
    BCMath PHP Extension
    Ctype PHP Extension
    Fileinfo PHP extension
    JSON PHP Extension
    Mbstring PHP Extension
    OpenSSL PHP Extension
    PDO PHP Extension
    Tokenizer PHP Extension
    XML PHP Extension
  • Pretty URL enabled
laravel new blog
cd blog
composer require marghoobsuleman/hashtagcms
  • Open config/app.php and add below line in providers array.
  • Open .env file and update APP_URL, and make sure database information is correct.

Install Command

php artisan cms:install
  • Open app/User.php and remove or comment below line.
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable
  • Add below line in the same file (app/User.php)
use MarghoobSuleman\HashtagCms\User as Authenticatable;
  • You might want to comment/remove below route in routes/web.php
Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('welcome');
  • You are done :)

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